People who have asked me about this generally think it's something to do with not being subjected to other people's germs, but also that they are largely ineffective.
This blog will give you the full facts!!!!!!!!!!!
First of all, the masks worn by many nations in SE Asia are usually used to contain the wearer's own illness, not protect against the ghastly cooties of strangers. This is something of a moral responsibility for the wearer. That's not to say that many people don't wear them as protection from other people, pollen etc. too. In fact, some people even reportedly wear one if they can't be bothered to put their makeup on.

Many mask manufacturers claim their masks have a 99% germ stop rate, but the National Consumer Affairs Centre of Japan ran some tests which put the figure more in the region of 95% to as low as 50%, which still seems pretty high to me when compared to nothing. Japan Probe also covered this, and commented that the lower end of that estimate is applicable to masks which don't fit your head properly.
It's also important to note that apparently after something in the region of 0.5-3 hours, the dampness caused by respiration makes the masks dramatically less effective and they must be changed.
Regardless, given that the masks themselves are so cheap (a box of 50 can be found for around 400 yen) and do seem to work to a certain extent, I'm all for them.
There are many different mask types and styles, including tiny little pads which just about fit over your mouth and nose and look more like a miniature face-bra than anything else. You can also buy, of course, cute versions: purple and black pig-noses, whiskery cat faces, Rilakuma designs etc etc.
- This kind of hygiene-conscious practice can also be seen elsewhere in Japan. For example, karaoke booths mostly offer plastic wrapped, sterilised microphones, most shops will have an alcohol squirter for your hands at the entrance and exit of the store, and bank machines will nearly always dispense sterile, crisp banknotes (that's why they all look new)!
- The Annals of Internal Medicine published a report which claimed that masks did indeed reduce the risk of catching influenza from others.
- If you're interested, some guy has written a review post about various different flu masks he bought...
- The ever-ready Japan Probe has two vaguely humourous flu-mask video commercials from Japanese TV.
- As Danny Choo pointed out on Boingboing.net, you can also buy plugs for your nose if you have a cold. Less effective at limiting germs, but you need never worry about drippy nostrils again! Just beware of firing them across the room when you sneeze.
I love face masks!
ReplyDeleteI always wear them when doing one-on-one reading tests. Being is close proximity with anything up to 700 kids in 2 weeks, without any barrier, asking for trouble!
Plus, when you are sick you don't want people looking at you. You can hide in them and be snotty and miserable without worrying that something large is hanging out of your nose!
There is some comfort in them, isn't there? I'm tempted to wear one everywhere, every day until Tokyo Marathon just in case.
ReplyDeleteI just got back from Japan (two days, and I'm already disgusted with how filthy my country is!), and I saw a news program recommending people wear them more to prevent them from inhaling fumes from the pollution moreso than to spread germs?
ReplyDeletePossibly, but different masks are rated for different inhalants. Near home, maybe you've seen workers wearing masks at construction sites: The masks are made of a stiffer material and are lined with foam to ensure a tight seal with the face, and their filter is rated to keep out stuff they know they'll encounter in that job--like asbestos. For general smog in a city, I'd expect wearing the disposable mask provides more peace of mind than anything else, as there is a lot of different stuff floating around and the mask doesn't provide a perfect seal.
ReplyDeleteHowever, we are just getting over pollen season here, and the disposable masks are really effective at keeping the (cedar) pollen off of your nose and face during your commute. Many people use them from about February through March to lessen or avoid allergic reactions.
First, Americans need to wash their hands and practice basic hygiene. But face masks are just wrong to me. I want to see someone's face when I speak with them. It's scary how much control consumerism has over the Japanese public. The Japanese take things to an extreme that seems to sacrifice true emotional connections.