Reader's question: "What's the round sticker on my car windscreen with a date on it? Shaken?"
Nope. Shaken is the square one in the middle. The round one is the 12ヶ月点検整備 (12 kagetsutenkenseibi) - annual check and repair (shaken is every 2 years, or 3 from new).
You've probably joked with your friends about that absurd little picture in the corner of the screen during Japanese TV variety shows. You know, the one filled up with some mug of some celebrity whose name you don't know but whose face you're sure you've seen on just about every TV show ever?
That little picture has a name, and it's called the ワイプ ("wipe").
Getting your money from place to place in Japan is one thing, but what about getting money to and from home? Lucky for you the laws have changed for the better in recent years and there are multiple options available.
You'll walk past 7/11, glace at a sign and have to do a double-take because you know what it says. You'll open mail and think about who you can get to translate it before slapping yourself in the face and doing it yourself.
All this is only possible with the right resources, however, so here are our (well, my) recommendations.
There are three main ways of transferring cash, all of which rely on automated inter-bank networks. That's not to say that cheques (kogitte 小切手) don't exist, they are just very seldom used outside of specialized business transactions.
Following the success of our JLPT Anki decks, here are some covering the entire N3 series of books in the Nihongo So-Matome series. (We've received numerous inquiries about these decks but are sorry to say our copies appear to be gone, and that we won't be able to reupload them to the Anki sharing server. Sorry!)
When it comes to shopping, a little research goes a long way. And Japan is no exception. Whether it be auto insurance or toilet paper, there are several good resources avaliable for the thrifty shopper looking to compare.
Any recent visitors to a department store must have noticed the impressive and often terrifyingly expensive doll displays. If, like me, you were wondering what on earth they were, read on...